June 11, 2025 | 1:00 - 5:00 | |||||
Ozarks Small Business Incubator (OzSBI) | |||||
408 Washington Ave | |||||
West Plains, MO | |||||
65775 | |||||
Learn the basic principles of effective grant writing, the steps to developing a targeted proposal and where to search for funds. Learning to write a grant is a great way to build your resume and learn valuable skills. If you work for a nonprofit organization that needs funding, learning how to write an effective grant makes you a valuable member of the team and helps your organization grow. The learning objectives for this workshop are:
This workshop includes grant writing myths, jargon to avoid, steps to developing an effective proposal, where to seek funding and how to stay in the know about both government and foundation funding opportunities. This workshop is for anyone looking to write a grant, whether for a nonprofit organization or as a freelancer. Cost: $95 for OzSBI Members / $125 for non-membersFacilitated by: Heather Fisher, OzSBI CEO
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