September 20, 2025 | 10:00 am - 2:00 pm | |||||
Ozarks Small Business Incubator (OzSBI) | |||||
408 Washington Ave | |||||
West Plains, MO | |||||
65775 | |||||
Mark your calendar! The Business Women's Expo is coming soon! Join The Amelia Network to stay up to date on the event and to shop and support local women-owned business. Vendor registrations are open, scroll to the bottom for more information. Become a VendorThank you for your interest in being a part of the Business Women’s EXPO! This event is an opportunity for local women-owned businesses to gather for a chance to reach a new audience. As a vendor you have an option to have a Standard or Premium space. Standard tables will include one 2×5 foot table provided by OzSBI. The Premium space will come with two tables in addition to a more spacious area to set up. Please contact us before sending payment for a premium space, they are very limited! Click Here to register to be a part of the event |
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