LaunchU 2025

Enter your name and email here.   Enter the name and email of the event registrant below.

Your First Name
Your Last Name
Your Email

*First Name
*Last Name
*Email Address
Business Name
*Work Phone:
Please tell us more about your business or your business idea:
Present Employment Status:
Have you ever operated a business?
Do you currently operate a business?
Which of the following apply to you?
Please note that OzSBI does not reimburse for canceled or postponed workshops; instead, you will receive credit in the amount of the workshop cost. The credit can be applied to other workshops or events during the same year. It will become a donation to OzSBI if not used by December 31st, 2025.
To reserve your seat in this workshop, payment must be received in advance of the workshop. If you have requested scholarship assistance, please use the discount code provided to you by OzSBI staff when you check out in the next step.
*Enter case-sensitive characters in text field:
Note: Required Fields are marked with "*".